Fury says he would have head-butt Wilder during press conference

By Michael Collins - 10/06/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 10/08/2021

2 thoughts on “Fury says he would have head-butt Wilder during press conference”

  1. Tightwad, why didn’t you simply pay the $110,000,000.00 fine as a penalty for cheating? In that way fury would save the public opinion to be influences by Deontay Wilders demonstrating the lack of power, speed, and coordination fury posseses.

  2. Now one dares to comment, like a adder caught in the headlights listen to the vulgar expressions of a panic attack having fury who nervously attempts to muster the momentum to make it look like the fight was close so he will crow from the highest rooftop’s foul of some sort. The stage has been set for the excuse maker to have a soft landing.
    This hopped up , out of control madman will in no way pass any drug test, he will be closed to be wired out of his fried mind the night of the fight against Deontay Wilder once again so he won’t feel the pain.

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