Tyson Fury wants Joshua fight in December after fast KO of Wilder on Oct.9th

By Michael Collins - 09/01/2021 - Comments

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Last Updated on 09/01/2021

53 thoughts on “Tyson Fury wants Joshua fight in December after fast KO of Wilder on Oct.9th”

  1. What an outstanding boxer, and he is an American. A veritable national treasure. And an inspirational personality. Arising from Jim Crow Alabama, to international fame. Damn!

  2. Deontay Wilder has called out Anthony Joshua and Dillian Whyte very aggressively and no answer. Nothing but talking trash while finding the nearest exit and fury is being forced to fight, otherwise he would keep on chickening out like the rest of them.
    I guess that shows who is the best heavyweight champion around. And that means the best heavyweight champion ever.
    Most so called experts would hold up the legendary greats like Marciano, Dempsey, Joe and Lennox Lewis, Ali, foreman, Frazier, Liston, and Mike Tyson.
    Any of these guys would hold their own against them. And Deontay Wilder, smashes them all.

  3. There hasn’t been any random testing and nobody sees anything no matter what, as usual.

  4. Deontay Wilder is relying on basics, training, good nutrition, and plenty of rest. While fury is doping more than Lance Armstrong. Can’t get good rem sleep without downers because of all the diet pills. Up, down, up, down, blood transfusion, boar testicle eating,

  5. None of the fury fans believe a word fury says anymore, just teenagers. ESPN is so big that they can do a.public relations campaign to bolster public opinion, but they’re not concerned about boxing because it’s a small part of the heir conglomerate and they don’t even make good fight matchups.

  6. The way doing is so blatantly racist makes me ashamed of being a while man. May you all be damned to hell.

  7. 1. Deontay Wilder
    2. Luis Ortiz
    3. Anthony Joshua
    4. Tyson fury
    This is the rankings. Everyone knows Deontay Wilder and Luis Ortiz have been avoided for ever y Anthony Joshua and fury and Whyte.
    Anthony Joshua and Deontay Wilder is the real fight everyone wants to see.

  8. Deontay Wilder was that can driver you want to belittle and mock, except he drove a beer truck.
    You guys had it easy with everything given to you. You can keep running and making excuses all you want, but we the people have chosen our champion and he goes by the name of Deontay Wilder. The people’s champion!

  9. Both John, Tyson, and Anthony Joshua are born to privy, they’re rich and they’ll try to pass for gangsters and hard people who had to suffer a rough life. They have been living in a life of luxury all their lives.
    They’re soft, maybe that’s why they run cockroach run from Deontay Wilder.

  10. The boxers of today are in a whole other league. They would do well against any legendary great champion. And Deontay Wilder certainly must be anointed, he is. Deontay Wilders grandma was right. He is almost a cruiserweight and he’s calling these giants cowardly cockroaches, offering them record purses and having to sue them to force these giants to fight in previously contractual agreements. And they’re all still scared of Deontay Wilder. How is it that the most courageous heavyweight boxers are scary?
    They’ll be using enhancement drugs, postponing fights, makings every excuse not to fight, then the moment your back is turned , they’re talking trash.

  11. We don’t hear any of your loud mouth incompetent phoney baloney fancy pants statements Deontay Wilder having been checked out of the WBC belt and consequently preventing Deontay Wilder from breaking any further legendary records.
    Dillian Whyte, you wanted a shot at the title, why you setting up a fight with someone else then? Same question for Anthony Joshua, you wanted to slap Deontay Wilder, why aren’t you aggressively seeking a unification fight with Deontay Wilder?

  12. Both fury’s are afraid of being held accountable for the attempted hoodwinking bamboozlement perpetrated against Deontay Wilder.
    As far as I am concerned, they’re getting off easy, Tyson should be stripped of the WBC belt, fined and imprisoned.

  13. Swear off deceptive misrepresentations in all their forms. Save your five and twenty five dollars for your own self interests.

  14. These few people that profit by the criminal actions are insulting our intelligence, offensively. Do as I have done and do not accept their offers to contracts for pay per view, all that stuff, untill they start to employ lawful practice’s. Everyone knows Deontay Wilder was violated by being denied equal protection within the law. Are you so spoiled and rich that you can’t wait for the results?

  15. Both John and tyson are menta, as in mentally ill, suffering from poor mental health. Vertically everything that comes out of their mouths is just simply not true. They are criminally insane.
    How in the name of everything holy can John claim two victories when the record shows the first fight was a draw? That’s liable, slandering, malicious intentions, no wonder there are so many law.suits claiming punitive damages against these foreigners.

  16. Has this website stopped deleting expulsitory evidence of Deontay Wilder having been victimized by Tyson fury’s criminal actions in the second fight?
    Do you still exclude evidence pertaining to the attempted homicidal murder of Deontay Wilder by fury?
    Yes or no

  17. We do not advocate, recommend or support a boxer looking passed a opponent. However being as how fury, in a fair fight, Deontay Wilder made excuses with his skinny legs, and only has a lucky punch right hand, beat Deontay Wilder in the middle of the ring in 7 rounds and Deontay Wilder can’t fight, we condón, advocate, recommend and support fury over looking the twerkanator. Looking passed the fighter of the century The Alabama slamma, the bronze bomber who goes by the name of Deontay Wilder.

  18. Teddy Atlas, Larry merchant, and max Kellermen, look at their eyes when they are talking to Deontay Wilder. They’re envious and jealous of Deontay Wilder. You can sense the hatred, and the look on Deontay Wilders face is accepting, respectful and unsuspecting of what evils they had conspired insidiously to perpetrate against Deontay Wilder.

  19. Derrick,
    Deontay Wilder is not done yet. He has a body that is built for longevity. This young man is driven by inspirational evolvement. Look at fury, he has grown old by abusing his internal organs and glands with chemical drug use. He is an old man inside, all baldheaded. Sorosis of the liver, adrenal gland burnout. He is genetically weak, tending to fragment mentally and ballooning in weight.

  20. I accept your apology. We agree Deontay Wilder is the most outstanding, singularly unique heavyweight champion ever living or nonliving.

  21. Professional boxing has a reputation for corruption. Deontay Wilder would have been robbed earlier but he never let the fight go to the judges. He is the single most potentially influential boxer professionally, politically and socially ever. More than Joe lewis, Jack Johnson and Mohamed Ali. He had to be targeted for attack.
    Talented, gifted, constantly improving, Deontay Wilder is the single most feared heavyweight champion in boxing history.
    A Canastonia New York international boxing Hall of famer 10 consecutive title defenses in 5 years.
    He was on course to breaking more records Floyd Mayweather’s, Mohamed All and Rocky Marciano’s. He had to be stopped. Obstructive obstacles detouring the unification fight with Anthony Joshua. His plan was to trim down to cruiser weight and unify. He had to be targeted for attack.

    • Wilder got his ass kicked by Fury…Fury will do it again. Wilder has no real saavy or skill in their. He has knockout power but Fury has taken his best. This will be the end of Wilder because he is mentally weak

    • Did you just say Deontay Wilder was more influential than Jack Johnson?… Joe Lewis?…. Muhammad Ali?… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣… that was so hilarious I had to screen shot your comment. Thank you!

    • Derik is an immature poo pool pants. I caution you, that screenshot you plagiarized may or may not be copyrighted.
      If I catch you sharing it, I shall hold my breath till I turn purple.

  22. See it different wilder had to much built up if the fight went down earlier he would head hunt and may got caught slipping but since he had a chance to settle down and plan accordingly and pick his shots. Wilder KO 5 or 6 rd.

  23. Wilder is my favorite boxer and I’m pulling for him to avenge himself in this third fight. However, I am probably the only honest Wilder fan on the planet. He lost last time because Fury was the better fighter that day. If there were poor judges it was the first fight because Fury probably should have won on points. I don’t buy into the whole tampered gloves thing at all because no irrefutable evidence has come forth. If it had we would know. Each boxer has a member of their team observe the other fighters gloving as well as officials. I really hate that Wilder went into excuse mode because it made him look weak. I just hop Wilder has trained more seriously than ever and KOs fury. That will reestablish him because in my opinion the way he’s acted since getting badly beaten has tarnished his reputation as an elite fighter.

    • Irrefutable evidence abounded. The British boxing board of control has stripped fury’s license permanently, indefinitely in the UK doing just what he did in America.
      The money made in gambling is unreal. This is a master mind group fixing high dollar bets and cleaning up. Anthony Joshua vs Andy Ruiz, Deontay Wilder vs Tyson, are the high profile fight where it’s obvious.
      There’s still several law suits over that Deontay Wilder fight. If anybody is guilty of making excuses it’s not Deontay Wilder.

    • Tyson was not better, the ref had no integrity and should be stripped of his title, and they did whatever it took to beat Deontay-illegally! To date no one has been held accountable for their actions. That shows who has the “power” when so many go on the attack to take down one man. Oh yeah, he is still standing.💪

    • If you even dream that fury is a better boxer than Deontay Wilder, you better wake up and apologize. Deontay Wilder is mean, the other day, he murdered a rock, he injured a stone, he’s so bad, he makes medicine sick.

    • Deontay Wilder is the absolute top heavyweight boxing champion since the inception of the Queensbury rules of boxing.

    • It’s possible but not very probable. Anthony Joshua has a legacy of calculating his opponents making sure he’s flavored to win pretty well. His team miscalculated with Andy Ruiz, a fight that Anthony Joshua looked drugged in. That’s why he never foughtt Luis king Kong Ortiz and Deontay Wilder, Wilder is scary and Luis Ortiz is a south paw, big , strong, technically sound, and cuban fighters are well trained, look at Yordenis Ugas.

  24. I love Tyson Fury and I believe that he should just focus on Boxing and nothing else ,Look at Rhonda Rousley when she was just a UFC fighter she was focused and the best and when she went to WWF and a fake sport and I mean this with no disrespect but come on ,And Tyson is starting to get pulled in WWF or WWE wrestling and I believe that it’s going to be Fury’s downfall

  25. Gloves flopping around all over the place, camera’s being dismantled, padding repositioning, crooked referee, overtly bias judges, injuries inconsistent with padded gloves according to sports doctors report, the photos being deleted off of the internet, etc.
    No investigation?

  26. When John fury is confident, the fix is in. After the first fight John was scared, when the flopping loaded gloves tampering technique was approved, he wanted to bet. These guys are favored by the boxing establishment. As we speak fury is not able to pas the drug test. Where’s the random testing?

  27. So quick to spout absolute BS that the Furys didn’t even consider Usyk beating Joshua first. I know Usyk is too small to beat Joshua, but you’d think they might mention that possibility – that’s how you know how little they think about the nonsense they speak.

    • Yes, as we all know by now, sports have been unpredictable after 2020 and that includes Boxing! John is too over confident in Tyson winning and going for Joshua.

    • How little you know, the Ukrainian has a very good chance to win, points or ko! He isn’t all that much shorter, and he’s ring smart, and quick hands with power!

    • Both Deontay Wilder and Luis Ortiz will do worst than Otto Vallin did when he dotted Tysons eye and cross his t.

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