15 thoughts on “De La Hoya: “Canelo is like Mayorga””
There are no elite fighters nowadays specially canela, oscar de la hoya will wop him even at his age, he is correct 100 % dont forget hes a real elite and a promoter so he knows more then any of you nobodies
Anyone that is talking trash about older fighters need to look up George Foreman everyone said he was old he was slow. Yet big George beat every heavyweight but Tyson. What today’s crowds don’t remember the 15 round fights because the next generation said they were to dangerous. Never count a old man out.
Plus I bet Mayweather won’t a real boxer he only fights people that aren’t really boxers then makes sure the rules favor him.
Read the comment above the this one again.
Talk about falling from the mountain,Oscars credibility since the panty hose incident ,the drinking doing drugs is pretty sad. Now this ,with your fellow fighters and former fighter is just craziness.Somebody close has to intervene and get him help.There something not right with Oscar.
This oldfart fighters need to stay away from the elite fighters and YouTube celebrities;
Unless they have a dead wish,
Ta loco este pendejo!
Snort a another line
Say what he wants about canelo but canelo never quit in his corner during a fight. Oscar should just STFU.
Not yet
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
Belford, Belfort, then Belfordt. Wtf?
I’m guessing English isn’t the first language of the author. Who the hell is Victor Belford? Many spelling and grammar mistakes. This is embarrassing if you are getting paid for this.
Oscar was a great fighter ffs
Oscar was never an elite level fighter. He lost to every elite opponent he ever faced: Trinidad, Mosley, Hopkins, Mayweather and Pacquiao.
This comparison of Canelo and Mayorga is laughable. If there were any truth to it,, Canelo wouldn’t be where he is in the sport.. Oscar has a history of criticizing fighters he’s envious of or who don’t want to work with him.
Obviously you weren’t around yet when Oscar was fighting. Leija, Ruelas, Quartey, Vargas, etc…. Didn’t duck the other champs. Not worried about losing his 0.
There are no elite fighters nowadays specially canela, oscar de la hoya will wop him even at his age, he is correct 100 % dont forget hes a real elite and a promoter so he knows more then any of you nobodies
Anyone that is talking trash about older fighters need to look up George Foreman everyone said he was old he was slow. Yet big George beat every heavyweight but Tyson. What today’s crowds don’t remember the 15 round fights because the next generation said they were to dangerous. Never count a old man out.
Plus I bet Mayweather won’t a real boxer he only fights people that aren’t really boxers then makes sure the rules favor him.
Read the comment above the this one again.
Talk about falling from the mountain,Oscars credibility since the panty hose incident ,the drinking doing drugs is pretty sad. Now this ,with your fellow fighters and former fighter is just craziness.Somebody close has to intervene and get him help.There something not right with Oscar.
This oldfart fighters need to stay away from the elite fighters and YouTube celebrities;
Unless they have a dead wish,
Ta loco este pendejo!
Snort a another line
Say what he wants about canelo but canelo never quit in his corner during a fight. Oscar should just STFU.
Not yet
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
Belford, Belfort, then Belfordt. Wtf?
I’m guessing English isn’t the first language of the author. Who the hell is Victor Belford? Many spelling and grammar mistakes. This is embarrassing if you are getting paid for this.
Oscar was a great fighter ffs
Oscar was never an elite level fighter. He lost to every elite opponent he ever faced: Trinidad, Mosley, Hopkins, Mayweather and Pacquiao.
This comparison of Canelo and Mayorga is laughable. If there were any truth to it,, Canelo wouldn’t be where he is in the sport.. Oscar has a history of criticizing fighters he’s envious of or who don’t want to work with him.
Obviously you weren’t around yet when Oscar was fighting. Leija, Ruelas, Quartey, Vargas, etc…. Didn’t duck the other champs. Not worried about losing his 0.