About Us

Boxing247.com is an independent global boxing news organization dedicated to factual reporting. Founded in 2001, Boxing247.com today remains the most trusted source of fast, accurate, unbiased news in all formats and the essential provider of the technology and services vital to the boxing news business. For 23 years, the staff of Boxing247.com have had the privilege of bringing news and information to the world. They have gone to great lengths, overcome great obstacles – and, too often, made great sacrifices – to ensure that the news was reported quickly, accurately, and factually, in a balanced and unbiased way. They are transparent about their news values and principles, which guide all Boxing247.com writers.

Since 2001, Boxing247.com has been breaking news and covering the world’s biggest stories and boxing events, always committed to the highest standards of accurate, unbiased journalism. To this day, Boxing247.com remains independent, beholden only to the facts. From delivering the news via boxing forums in 2000 to working with artificial intelligence today, Boxing247.com is always innovating to provide fast and factual news and information.

From New York to London, from Beirut to Bangkok, the writers around the world at Boxing247.com strive for excellence, inside and outside the ring. Our writers go to great lengths to provide boxing fans with interviews, free boxing history articles and the latest boxing results. We strive to report breaking news quickly, accurately, and honestly, with the utmost attention paid to Boxing247.com’s high standards.

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